The positive side of gaming

The notion behind a lot of games is an idealistic fun approach to solving problems. While others focus on mental relaxation and pathological recreation. In most societies, the media tends to concentrate on the drawbacks of gaming other than embracing its positive impact on people.

The various merits of gaming

  1. Improved decision-making skills: many adventure and sport-games require players to make quick, informed, and useful decisions to win. Games having peripheral moving pictures tend to increase sensory alertness and aid decision-making processes. Therefore, Kids who spend reasonable hours playing games grow up to become extraordinary decision-makers.
  2. Exceptional problem-solving skills: every game has a problem that the player must solve to proceed to the next stage. Multiple levels, difficult tasks, adventure-based, and complicated puzzles are some of the characteristics of games that help kids become better problem solvers.

While children spend several hours trying to solve problems on their game, their thinking capacity evolves and assists them with solving real-life issues as they fall due.

  • Increased learning ability: some study shows that healthy gamers may possess exceptional ability to learn complex things faster than non-gamers. Due to the level of complexity, pleasure, and reward system that makes up a game, kids who play games tend to have a higher intelligence quotient that aids rapid learning processes.

Games are a good way to increase gray matter in the brain. Increased gray matter boosts brain connectivity, perception, and memory.

  • Enhanced social skills: With the advent of online multiplayer games, gamers have been able to socialize and become socially aware of their environment. Funnily, some people meet lifelong friends and partners while playing online.
  • Informative and academic purposes: in recent times, games are used as a fun way to persuade students into learning.  Developers now make games that help students improve their reading, maths skills, and even help kids learn new words.

No matter how advantageous gaming can be, parents and guardians should ensure that it is done with moderation. Its benefits are not a justification to play games for 10 hours daily.

Ways to control video game addiction in kids

Gaming addiction has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a mental health disorder.

If your children are fond of spending long hours playing video games, you should consider ensuring they don’t get addicted. Not only kids are vulnerable to gaming addiction, teenagers, youths, and adults are also prone to experiencing it.

Gaming addiction refers to a pathological behavioral condition, that encapsulates the minds of children from several aspects of their lives.

How does it start?

Children who suffer from obsessive gaming do not just fall into it in a day. It is the accumulated hours of tireless play over a long period that causes it.

Kids who overly cherish video gaming other than hanging out with friends, reading, doing outdoor sports, and other similar social activities are vulnerable to gaming addiction.

What are the effects?

An insight into how excessive gaming affects people is key to understanding the ways through which they can be controlled. Excessive gaming habit can affect a person in several areas, some of which are:

  • Social isolation and relationship problems.
  • Academics and work-life crisis.
  • Inadequate sleep time.
  • Lack of interest in activities that have educational and societal benefits.
  • Mental and physical health issues.

Ways to control video game addiction

If duly checked and controlled, video games could be advantageous in various ways. Gaming is meant to be for relaxation and recreation. Parents should ensure to monitor their kid’s game time and consider the following tips:

  • Place restrictions on gaming hours.
  • Ensure there is always an activity to keep them occupied before and especially after their game time.
  • Introduce your child to sporting and other outdoor activities.
  • Ensure their gaming console or computer is kept in a public area of the house where you can see them play. This will assist you to monitor their gaming hours and aid restrictive measures.
  • Talk to them about how rewarding other activities with scholarly and physical benefits could be for them.
  • Help your child make friends that enjoy outdoor and social activities other than gaming.
  • If the situation seems too serious, consult a therapist.