The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time

highly addictive video gamesAs video games go, some are more known for their addictive qualities than others. A huge number of video games can have an addictive appeal to people, but some have been found to be more universally addictive than others. For the game developers, this is great news. It means their game is going to make them a lot of money and they are going to become giants in the gaming world. But for the video game addicts and those who depend on them for time, energy and affection, it means that life is going to be imbalanced. Here is a list of several of the most highly addictive video games know to the gaming industry.

  • Everquest. One of the games that is considered most addictive among video games is Everquest. This game is an online multi-player game that is all about role playing and fantasy. This game is reminiscent of Dungeons and Dragons for the characters and avatars it provides. This game achieved worldwide recognition when it won a GameSpot Game of the Year award in 1999 and an Emmy Award in 2007 for Technology and Engineering.
  • Grand Theft Auto. This well known game is actually a series of games that are action and adventure oriented. The games have realistic elements in that they are set in cities that are meant to resemble large U.S. cities, and the characters in the games resemble people involved in crime operations. The premise of the game is to carry out criminal activities in order to make a living, but in doing so, there are endless opportunities to wreak criminal havoc on the city. This game is considered to be a cathartic way for people to express their inner criminal.
  • World of Warcraft. Like Everquest, World of Warcraft is an online, multi-player fantasy game. It involves creating an avatar and interacting with mythical characters in order to complete quests. World of Warcraft is the highest grossing video games of all time and is the Guinness World Record holder for the most popular massive multiplayer online role-playing game.